Tardis in Mars Fan Art

  • August 17, 2012
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: JoshuaS
  • License: CC-0
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So, well guys, had been a really exciting month, the curiosity lands in mars and the new Doctor who will be released in a few weeks, so i think: "Hell, why not do something releated to both things" and boila here you have i tried to do something amazing... and fail miserably, but well i had to try.

If you maybe are in the mood of criticize this piece, please, do it as hard as you can in this Blender Forum Thread, there we have a cool soda and free pizza... well, no, but i will love to hear you there :).

Link: http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?263831-Tardis-in-mars-And-the-history-of-a-Pyramid


  • mbillian profile picture

    Pyrimids was an awsome serial , Allways wanted to know what the eye of horus looked like. is that the orsirian pyrmid.

    Written August 19, 2012
  • JoshuaS profile picture

    To be honest, i dont know what are you talking about :S, sorry

    Written August 29, 2012
  • Manwe profile picture

    It was one of my favorites :)

    Written October 03, 2012
  • RyuuAMcCff profile picture

    "The Pyramids of Mars" was a Doctor Who episode from the Tom Baker years.

    Damned good story and action. Mostly good on special effects which still stands up pretty well to today's work, given that it was made in the early '80s (except for a couple of lame explosions that were supposed to be infernos--the set models used were way too small for any type of flame work). It's out in DVD, if you're interested.

    Written October 26, 2013
  • dragon8620 profile picture

    can i use this in a movie/vid on youtube?

    Written August 22, 2012
  • JoshuaS profile picture

    Of course you can :)

    Edited August 29, 2012
  • NathanWolf2013 profile picture

    love the model i want to ask if i can use it in a film full credit will go to you in the description

    Written September 17, 2013
  • Witherleader profile picture

    That is a fail? I want to see your good things now...

    All I can do is follow a tutorial on how to make two planets collide and explode.

    Written March 12, 2016
  • teengirlw profile picture

    thank you, good job!

    Written March 03, 2018