hello guys
I made this dinosaur to test the new modifiers blender (Skin n Dyntopo).
the model is not 100%. I'm out of time to finish
the incredible scenery made by BMF
thank you all and hope you enjoy
mutte [:
DX3: Thanks for the compliment on the scenery. I've discovered a more realistic technique for the moss and I now can improve on just about everything in the scene. It's a journey of learning.
Hi awesome model, where can i find any tutorial for that modeling technic thx
Awesome stuff, thanks for sharing!
Some very minor naming inconsistencies (objects, vertex groups, materials), nothing that anyone will have any problems figuring out, but it was the harshest thing I could come up with to say about it. Very inspiring, a master at work.
perdonen mi ingles, si descargo este modelo y lo quiero comvertir a FBX para usarlo en unity3D con fines comerciales tengo algun problema?
Pardon my English, if I download some models and I want to convert to FBX for use in commercial Unity3D I have a problem?
I've also placed this model for download here, with a short "rearing" animation.
Excellent model! you need to brush up on pole targests, but this model is 99/100!