Electric logo

  • September 12, 2012
  • 1 Like
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: krabz
  • License: CC-BY
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A logo with electrical sparks. Rendered with cycles.

The sample image is done with a font 'Earth normal' from neatfonts.com (not included in the blend file).

How to change the text:

1) Remove the object 'logo.001' (This is mesh used as an emitter for the sparks).

2) Edit the text in the logo-object.

3) Copy the logo object.

4) Edit the text-properties on the copy. Change fill to 'none', and bevel-depth to 0.

5) Convert the copy to a mesh (Alt-c), and scale it down a little on the z-axis.

6) Add particle-system to the copy, and select the particle-settings called 'electricity'.

The scene uses 2 renderlayers, one for the forground (logo), and one for the background (stars and globe), using the corresponding view-layers. These are combined in the compositor, with some additional effects.

View-layer 3 is used for the supporting objects (sparks, stars etc.)


  • Aelsawy profile picture

    nice effect

    Written September 12, 2012