A skeleton i worked on as my first blender project. It's not perfect but I guess you can use it if you retopolo it.
Whoops wrong link this picture. The other one is some local wanted people that ran over a friend of mine... Today.. Heres the real image it was used in though..
Loved the work used some of it in my Monster Doll posted http://cgcookie.com/blender/images/monster-doll/
Impressive work. great working and both modeling in texturing. I would like to try some rigging on this model. Edit: here's the finished rig: http://www.blendswap.com/blends/view/75167
I used this for my bands musicvideo! :D
thanks a lot for you generosity and congrarulations for the good job!
I am using it to demo Animation Nodes and Sverchok: https://twitter.com/jimmygunawanapp/status/803853407127736322
Hey, thanks for the awesome asset! I used your skeleton parts in creating a throne here is the link and thank you! https://web.facebook.com/KSalaarZH/photos/a.1274418149260633.1073741829.1257996527569462/1352738481428599/?type=3&theater
For some reason the rig and any kind of animation causes blender to lag a lot. I get 1 fps in blender when trying to move anything. I can move the viewport fine but any rig movement just brings blender to a halt. Is there a solution for this? I've got a pretty decent computer (Ryzen 1700X and GTX 1060) and I'm running blender v2.78.
I have used this model to create this image to share on facebook. I did credit you on the post as well.