Japanese style room

  • October 09, 2012
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: Dimmyxv
  • License: CC-0
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It's a room I saw in a anime. But this time didn't do it well in details... And 6 hours of rendering ended up with so many noises... Thinking about smashing this computer...


  • Kaluura profile picture

    Nice scene. The absence of details make it even more zen.

    Any way, to distract myself from my work, I looked at your blend to fix the noise.

    First, I moved the soda can to the left. (Totally irrelevant but it was too perfectly aligned with the background.) ;-) Next, I created a default Cycles material for everything. (Do not know if it is really useful.) And finally, I decreased the power of the light bulb to 50, even 25. That did the trick. It reduces the halo of light on the background but it also greatly reduces the noise. Cycles prefers big soft lights to tiny harsh ones. To finish, I set the world background to full black to get darker shadows.

    In the end: 6 min. 27 s. for 1280x720 at 1000 samples on my GT 560's GPU (not a power monster), not 6 hours and not much more noise than the usual Cycles grain.

    Written October 10, 2012
  • Dimmyxv profile picture

    Wow! Thanks a lot! I didn't notice the light thing before. Trust me, it will still take quite some time for me to render, even a simplest scene... I don't even have a independent graphic card... and my CPU works extremely slow too... But still, thank you for your advice. I will apply the tips in my next scene~

    Written October 10, 2012
  • danikreuter profile picture

    I noticed you uploaded some more environments recently... all of them are really nice. This one as well. Good job :) Looking forward to see more from you.

    Written October 10, 2012
  • Dimmyxv profile picture

    Thank you~ I'll keep up with it, maybe try something new like texturing or likes.

    Written October 10, 2012
  • aad345 profile picture

    Looks beautiful, just a tip: if noise is causing too much trouble for you, you could set "clamp" (under Sampling option) to anything other than zero (I tried 3) and most of the noise gets eliminated.

    Thanks for sharing :)

    Written October 10, 2012
  • Dimmyxv profile picture

    Thanks for the tip, will try it our in the later blend

    Written October 10, 2012
  • Megsaw profile picture

    Is this... based of of Doraemon?

    Written September 26, 2017
  • Bobby profile picture

    Thank you!!

    Written January 06, 2020