The cutest mech in the anime history. I present you the Tachikoma! So this is a fan art of Ghost in Shell. One thing to mention is that I used the note setup by Conner Addison for the main body blue paint, which you can find at:
And do I have to mark my swap as fan art or it's up to the admin? I still can't find the check box anywhere.
Really cool, maybe adding some details on the cannon and the eyes would make it look more like the original. Gost in the shell stay for me THE reference in the cyberpunk culture.
I'm happy to see other blend than mine on that theme.
I saw your work, really cool! The biggest problem for me is that I can not really create any thing on my own, tried building up my own mech, didn't work out. I don't know how to "dig a hole" on the eyes.I also thought about using UV mapping stuff, and that just made me crazy, got any good idea? And BTW, I'm also a big fan of GIS, can't say I understad it all... but it really got some cool concept and settings. I can hardly believe it's a late 80s manga!
Thank you.
I know the company behind this, they'll be happy to see more Tachikoma art.