*PLEASE COMMENT!!!!* The famous Max Rig for blender! Ik rigged and animation ready! Contains one camera and a lamp. Even has a facial rig! Perfect for beginning animation. Enjoy!
You're very welcome! I've always seen this model and loved it as well so i decided to upload it!
@Blender is this your model? Your comment makes it seem like it's not. Please clarify. Thanks
Forgive me, yes. When i mean ive seen this model i mean that ive seen it in animation reels and I've always liked it so i decided to rig it myself and upload it. Sorry for any speculation!
Hey there, I love the rig! I find it really fun and easy to use and the facial rig is excellent! However, is it possible for you to make a version without a facial rig, or do you know how I can do it? Thanks. c:
Is there a problem with the rig? You don't need to use it. I'll see if i can remove the facial rig but it'll take time because i am busy with other things.
No, of course not! :D I just wanted to know if there was a way I could make one without a facial rig for a project I'm working on, and I liked the rig, the way it looked and how it worked but I wanted to find out if there was a way I could modify just as a flat face so I could show emotions using body language. If you have other things to do that's fine, I just wanted to see. :)
Hey, I certainly don't want this to come off the wrong way, but is there still a way I can get a flat face version? I totally understand if you have things to do; I really like this rig and I'd like to know if there is a way I could make a flatface version myself, except it seems that I can't alter the model, only the rig. I knew you would know about the rig, so how do I go about doing this? Thanks :)
This is the most amazing thing ever. perfect for practicing animation <3
HOW DID YOU DO THIS BEAUTIFUL RIG... I have a rig, but it isn't very good when it comes to the hands and face, i have no clue what to do...
Im a Blender noob, who is trying to put clothes on this charecter.
The methods I found online had stuff like going into edit mode and selecting verticies, and then separating them to apply tetures, etc. When I go into edit mode there doesn't appear to be any verticies, edges or faces? It's propably a simple solution, but I just don't get it. Can someone help me? :)
Great model Very simple to use.
Muchísimas gracias por los rigs hace poquito me pasé de Maya Blender y extrañaba los rigs tan buenos que viene para maya ... :)
This is perfect, I will be animating this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvW-kNcqKOQ&ab_channel=SirLenward
Awesome :D Thanks for getting this. I've seen this model on many animations but I couldn't seem to find it! Thank you :)