A simple chessboard model that took me 4 days to make. It has around 100,000 vertices and faces with the modifiers turned off. I am still new to Blender.
Thanks for the feedback. :)
The only texture that was used in the scene was the checkered surface. The texture was made with Blender. The process was very simple; sub-dividing a plane and giving certain parts of it a black or white material and rendering and saving the image. I could have used Photoshop, but decided to do it with Blender instead.
Also if you run into any trouble with modeling the knight piece, this 2 part video tutorial might help you: 1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XiP4AW2Uwc 2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_185894&feature=iv&src_vid=9XiP4AW2Uwc&v=0PIpwfW3egU
By the way, in a real chessboard, the lower right hand square from the perspective of either player is always white. I noticed that my mistake after uploading the blend, but you can fix it by easily by rotating the board 90 degrees.
Thanks man. It uses cycles render. I can change it to LuxRender right?
Very cool. A novice in Blender myself, this has inspired me to try and make a chess set too :-). How did you "design" the textures?