HMS Speedy

  • December 08, 2012
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: rkgalery
  • License: CC-BY
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Much smaller then fictional HMS Aiax (which is a frigate) this little XIX c. craft model was made for renderings for polish ship modelers magazine (all rights belong to me, no worries) and is quite exact - at least as exact as plans i got. Again- historically correct, render ready cutter. Enjoy and leave comments


  • BMF profile picture

    I like your attention to historic detail. Your two ship models are impressive.

    Written December 09, 2012
  • rkgalery profile picture

    Thank you very much- I hope you will enjoy further models, too.

    Written December 09, 2012
  • bramble profile picture

    If I were in the navy, it's far more likely I'd be assigned to this little ship than the to Aiax... :)

    Written December 09, 2012
  • rkgalery profile picture

    Yep. Much easier life, not such a strict discipline, visits ports more often :).

    Written December 10, 2012
  • fishtoast profile picture

    This is great, as is your other ship. Have you got a reference as to what the sails on this type of ship would look like? I would quite like to add some sails, that is, if you give permission to edit it.

    Written December 09, 2012
  • rkgalery profile picture

    Thank you for kind words. Of course you can do whatever you want- it is "open source" model- as long as you credit me later on. When it comes to sail plan- all cutters are quite similar and not very complicated- take a look here for example:

    Edited December 09, 2012