My attempt at not just making a fangame, but a game in general.
Python scripts.
Instructions on how to modify
a rigged Low poly Crash Bandicoot
a decent 3rd person camera
Nitro crates teleport you (for some odd reason)
enemies shoot constantly when near.
lava doesn't kill you.... actually you can walk on it.
Thanks. its controls are kinda loose though, so ive been working on making them tighter... and with the ability for WALL JUMPS and LEDGE GRABS!! The focus was to make a "Naughty Dog" style engine, not in animation but in gameplay. the camera controls were a pain though, buuuuut they need to be re-done. the camera is more of a Jak and Daxter style anyway, with no ability to go up and down, but im working on it.
but how can you make the camera follow you. ps can I use this for a layout for my crash fangame
and you remind me of me remembering....... uh.... sorry my brain shorted out. yeah that ws the idea. MOD it for more fun!
Hey there this game is awsome but i want to ask that, can i use this for a layout for my crash fangame i would really like it God Bless you ninjaboy1633
p.s when will this game be done
cool!!! I like the controls!