This is a character i made when i was learning my way around Blender. The idea was to make a full rig while going through all the different areas from start to finish (modelling, unwrapping, texturing, rigging, rendering, fur).
This bear is just beautifuly done, not many seem even want to try furred models. This gives me hopes to make a realy good fur by seeing how this one's done.
I did the same thing with my fox character, built him from start to finish while learning how to do it :3
This is so cool!! wanna do a team with me?(creating games) im kinda new but im learning. i will not say the game i want to do here because people can steal the idea, pls answer pesho.
Thanks pastilha9! Sorry, but i'm currently working on a short film (not with the bear :P) that is taking up all of my spare time.
Hello there, is it possible to make an SFM port of this model? Thanks in advance, and I really like the model :3
OH this is so good! Is it okay if I can use this for a game that I am making? If so what are your conditions?
The creative commons license allows you to do that. It's an old model so you'll likely need to update it to work, but you can use it for your game.
You can't make it get down on all fours like a real bear though.
EDIT: Nevermind. Seconds after posting that, I discovered the nearly invisible spine bone and the fact that you can grab and move the shoulder bones by hand as if they were IK targets or something. It works! It's just an interesting way of doing it.
i don,t think any one comes on here but my characters arms and legs are not working (the circle things) but someone help please
I managed make it work on 3.2 Heres the 4k render
IT'S SO FLUFFY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :O I want it :D NICE WORK