Halo 4 Promethean Watcher; Version 2 Fan Art

  • December 22, 2012
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: TheTemportalist
  • License: CC-BY-SA
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This is the second release of the Promethean Watcher project. With the colaboration of Ryan987, we now have almost the entire rig in use, wings are near completion, and all of the bodypart have at least a base model (except the legs). The textures are still purely diffuse colors. Sharpening the textures (as mentioned before) will come later. I plan on uploading more models of the progressing creature as they are created and fine tuned. It is rigged with a simple; Body, Wing.L, Wing.R; rig. Si far we ahve not decide to implicate IK or any other restraints. We have also added a skull into the model. All textures are included. More updates on the way! Comments welcome!!!


  • masterxeon1001 profile picture

    EPIC! add me on xbox live! deathgear00

    Written December 22, 2012
  • hellogonzo profile picture

    wow the body looks almost like it's from the game...amazing work...saw your first and this was a Huge improvement

    Written January 02, 2013
  • TheTemportalist profile picture

    Thanks. The body was mostly the work of Ryan987. Hopefully we can finish it off soon

    Edited January 25, 2013
  • ryno95 profile picture

    hey I've got a different blend swap account now. This one with me my email address which hasn't changed, but this is Ryan987. I'm sorry I haven't been working on this with you lately so I'm going to get started on the middle body soon.

    Written June 08, 2013
  • felixfury14 profile picture


    Written August 03, 2013
  • wormchild1 profile picture

    nice, good job

    Written January 13, 2014
  • Darius85 profile picture

    nice job, super

    Written February 14, 2015