Sword of Ultimate Sorcery / Atari sword

  • January 06, 2013
  • 1 Like
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: Bhoren
  • License: CC-BY
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This is the Sword of Ultimate Sorcery, a real sword which was the final reward for the Atari Swordquest event in 1980. It was estimated at 50.000 $ with its pure silver blade, its golden handle and its jewelery. Nowadays nobody know where it is.

This model is really big, with 417.854 faces and it's rendered in Cycles. On the first layer is the base mesh of the sword, on the second one is all the jewelery and on the third one you can find the engravings.

I used two gold shaders and the test scene from "Gold Cycles Shader" (by elbrujodelatribu) : http://www.blendswap.com/blends/materials/gold-cycles-shader/ , and a diamond model from "Diamond Collection and Materials" (by BroadStu) : http://www.blendswap.com/blends/misc-objects/diamond-collection-and-materials/.


  • elbrujodelatribu profile picture

    Great model. Thanks for your credit!

    Written January 06, 2013
  • Bhoren profile picture

    Thank you ! Your gold shader was really helpfull for me !

    Written January 07, 2013
  • joenobbaker profile picture

    Would you sell any? Great repo!

    Written September 22, 2016
  • TOM STEVEN profile picture

    hi man i want you to give me your email because i have a job for you because you object looks very cool

    Written June 03, 2020