Easy Chicken

  • January 11, 2013
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: ragevortex
  • License: CC-BY
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Just a quck and easy chicken dinner I made to proove a point to a co worker about how easy to use Blender is.


  • BlenderBoy55 profile picture

    So whats the the verdict. Were you able to convince him?! Most people who don't wont to use or try Blender started out with Maya or 3DS and they usually have easy access to those programs. Don't you worry, when he no longer has easy access to those programs, he will sell his soul to Blender! HA HA HE HE HE HE HEEee!

    Written January 11, 2013
  • ragevortex profile picture

    I have been using 3d studio since it was still on DOS and I was a fierce advocate of it having used every other program I could... Blender is just something else... considering its a free program It's the best thing out there in my opinion. The adaptation period was short for me as I had a blender user explain the workarounds so In about a week I was working with it and it felt to me as if i had been using it for years.

    ~Oh and I was able to convince my friend to start using it. (I guess I paid the favor forward)

    Written January 15, 2013
  • chrisbreen1995 profile picture

    Nice work.

    Written January 12, 2013
  • ragevortex profile picture

    Thank you... Hopefully I'll be putting up some more "doodad's " and content up as I slowly work on my project.

    Written January 15, 2013