Captain Rex Fan Art

  • January 21, 2013
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: oregoncooks
  • License: CC-BY
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Is Rigged. Looks like Captain Rex. With textures! And Higher Poly! :) Please tell me what I should improve.


  • bLender profile picture

    Wonderful, amazing, and pure great work!

    Written January 21, 2013
  • OmegaSurge profile picture

    YES this is REALY good!

    Written January 21, 2013
  • Gavon profile picture

    I have been having a hard time with modeling armor, the rig needs a few mods to it and model will be gold, I'm excited to learn from it

    Written January 22, 2013
  • zerba profile picture

    This is a really nice model! Very good, but I'm pretty sure that this should be under "Fan Art". Since it's Star Wars. Good work!

    Written February 03, 2013
  • Rataz profile picture

    A nice model, and I like the rig. A few verts are missing from the weight paint but its easy enough for anyone to fix on thier own. Are you going to make any more swcw models?

    Written February 25, 2013
  • reality void profile picture
    reality void

    dat blaster...

    Written March 27, 2013
  • DarthRevan00 profile picture

    Awesome. Can I use this in a game? I won't put the game on the internet, it will just be for me and my friends.

    Written March 27, 2013
  • oregoncooks profile picture

    Yes. Fire ahead and good luck!

    Written July 14, 2013
  • CukOnTheRock profile picture

    The rigging is quite good. I like how you have the hands and feet control the other armatures. I am attempting to use the model as a set piece in a scene. A few suggestions if I may: a) can you get everything parented so it shows as one line item in the outliner, b) the three items on the backpack don't seem to be parented properly, some armature movements don't affect them. Cool model!

    Written May 11, 2014
  • CaptainRex profile picture

    This is awesome I can not fathom how I missed this for so long thanks for the gate upload!

    Written April 20, 2015
  • AntonioPaladinhr profile picture

    can you give me textures by any chance trying to use the avatar in game

    Written October 20, 2017