Camera Rig 1.0

  • January 24, 2013
  • 1 Like
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: jh0nnyrosa
  • License: CC-0
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This .blend features a simple camera rig, created to allow a better control over animated camera moves. There are controls for focus, targeting and zoom/focal length, all parented to a base empty, so you can rotate the camera freely on its local Y axis while following a path and tracking a object. The focal length control works with a driver that changes camera zoom based on local control Y location.

Feel free to use it and improve it to your needs.

Este .blend fornece um rig simples de câmera, criado para permitir um melhor controle sobre os movimentos de câmera animados. Possui controles para foco, alvo e zoom/distância focal, todos parenteados à um empty base, assim você pode girar livremente a câmera em seu eixo Y enquanto segue um caminho e aponta para um objeto. O controle de distância focal trabalha com um driver que muda o zoom da câmera baseado no eixo Y local do controle.

Sinta-se livre para usá-lo e melhorá-lo de acordo com suas necessidades.


  • Sneeman profile picture

    I love this rig. Tyvm!

    Edited January 29, 2013
  • jh0nnyrosa profile picture

    glad to hear this, thanks

    Written January 30, 2013
  • mobyfreerunner profile picture

    WOW! this is a great idea! this will be so useful! i will definitely incorporate this into my workflow! thanks a bazillion!

    Edited April 20, 2013
  • bweigert profile picture

    this is just great!!!!!! but do you have any idea how do use the webcam(via headtracking) instead of the mouse to control the Camera

    Edited December 05, 2014
  • Grape Soder profile picture
    Grape Soder

    This rig is exactly what I needed it is now the start up file default thank you! :D

    Edited August 25, 2015