Hey guys, I'm kinda new here and Idecided to upload this blend ;D Really exited to get some feed back because the place has a really nice comunity, but I need a rigger for a game I'm making with one other guy, (Can't pay you cause I'm 14) and we also need someone to texture, so, if your interested you may help. And sorry the model is kinda low poly, but it'll be used for the game! ;D keep up the good work guys, and awesome site by the way, very inspiring! Tell me how I did, and if you wanna help with the game send me and E-mail to stonebrinkbenjamin@gmail.com Thanks!
I honestly donno, I just typed in tank refrence and used that, XD thanks for the comment, those are really apreciated. ;D
.... You just made my day! I was stressing over not being able to rig it :3 thank you so much, you can send me it when you've finnished
Can you explan how you want it textured, ie colours, camos, new or old and res. I'm not a pro at texturing but I want to try all parts of blender so this seems like a good project.
oh yea, I forgot about ya, I used the textures, I gotta say, THANKYOU!!!
Your welcome, please send me a link to the game when its done and feel free to contact me if you need anymore textures :)
alright, well, we might have a demo release soon! so be ready, and check us out on facebook (if you haven't) Fluppidev is our name. The game is called "War"
I have two questions 1) Is this rendered in cycles (Most cycles settings are don't work in games 2) What are you using to make the game (BGE, Unity, LWJGL, Straight C++ (with opengl or ogre))
Oh dude, I am so sorry for the late reply, We are currently making a small demo in blender and get some ideas, then we are switching over to Unity (Or Unity pro if we can) so yea :D
Hi I was wondering if I could use the tracks on another tank? will give you credit.
Hello and welcome! It's great to hear that you're excited about joining the community and sharing your blend. Getting bloxd io feedback from the community can be a valuable way to improve your skills and grow as an artist.
your model is quite interesting, my friend and I also like models like this, but I am very frustrated to put it together [https://domain Key1] [[https://domain|Key2]] key3
<a href="https://domain">Key5</a> [url=https://domain]Key6[/url] “Key7": https://domain [link= https://domain url]Key8[/link]
XD No comments? Feel free to ask me anything