Steam train

  • February 03, 2013
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: Small Troll
  • License: CC-BY
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BR standard class 3MT 2-6-2 tank engine steam train. based on 1950's, early1960's model

Drive wheels are fully rigged and keyframed cyclically, easy to adjust and re-key as the whole drive is controlled by an empty.

small wheels will need to be keyframed accordingly. materials are set up for BI (procedural textures only no UV images included)


  • Small Troll profile picture
    Small Troll

    just a quick update on animating the small wheels. to get them to work in relation to the main wheels, first seperate the Front and rear sets into seperate objects in edit mode. then in object mode ensure that rotation and scale is set with ctrl A. then for each set add a Transform constraint. make the settings: Target; front_drive_wheel Source; ROT - X min 0.00 max 360 Destination; ROT - X min 0.00 max -621 (negative 621) space; local space-local space and ensure extrapolate checkbox is ticked do that for both front and back small wheels and you should have them running in the correct ratio of rotations relative to the big wheels.

    Written February 13, 2013
  • JosephPadilla6 profile picture

    Thank you, I have been dreaming for a toy train since I was a child but now I am a grown up, I dream to create a 3d locomotive but I do not have the time because of my schedule at my work.

    Written July 02, 2014
  • simbos57 profile picture

    When I tried to render this I thought my computer had crashed! Subsurfing the chassis creates far too many verts for a part that is mostly hidden. I like the idea of animating the wheels but these have a lot of verts so this would take a very long time to render.

    Written October 12, 2015