Underworld Fan Art

  • February 06, 2013
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: animalex3d
  • License: CC-BY
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A creature. Rigged very simply, not animated.


  • daren profile picture

    Wow -- that's nasty! But well done!

    Written February 07, 2013
  • amogh profile picture

    I guess this blend should be a fan art as its from the hollywood movie 'underworld'?

    Written February 07, 2013
  • animalex3d profile picture

    It was actually inspired by the movie "DonĀ“t Be Afraid of the Dark" by Guillermo del Toro. I accept your suggestion I will put as fan art! thank you!

    Written February 07, 2013
  • CerFriBar profile picture

    Really great work. You put a lot of work into it. The texturemap for the whole skin is nice and you even made good use of normal map, spec map, bump map. overall i really like it. The Rig also have a good control over the mesh (the weight paint is close to perfect). the face rig is good balanced. There are only 2 little things. First the gums are a little bit too shiny. The thick veins in the eyes are a bit too thick and the transition is to hard. The veins you made close to the green pupil look much better. Thank you for uploading and maybe tell me how you textured the whole creature because it looks really interesting.

    Written February 08, 2013
  • animalex3d profile picture

    Hi CerFriBar , thanks for the comment! takes a look at the link http://animalex3d.blogspot.com.br/ or if you want I can tell you by email or facebook https://www.facebook.com/alex.antunes.71


    Written February 08, 2013
  • blenderman95 profile picture

    excellent blend ! :D Do you know of any tutorial on how to make the eyelids move a bit when the eye rotates, as in this blend?

    Written December 14, 2014
  • animalex3d profile picture

    Thank you blenderman95! I do not know any tutorial about it! but I believe that if you link one blendshape the bone rotation should work!

    Written December 16, 2014
  • Dannysh profile picture

    im sorry but how do i exactly move it ? the character rigs are group together .

    Written January 31, 2015