Arc Reactor Fan Art

  • February 12, 2013
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: pdifani
  • License: CC-0
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After watching Chris Kuhns You Tube tutorial on modeling the Arc Reactor I decided to try it myself. This is the resulting hi-res model.

250K verts, 208K faces, 39 objects, about 20 hours total so far.

Critiques appreciated since I do this for fun I always like learning how I could have done something better or easier.


  • oldtimer profile picture

    Don't be worried. Most of the swapper are people that use Blender as a way to keep the neurons in activity. It's an extraordinay method to improve the blood circulation through our brain. You'll never end to find something new. There is allways things to learn. Your work is great. Keep doing fine.

    Written February 12, 2013
  • Benjamin97 profile picture

    great work but i think you sould lower the verts because this is a very high poly model ... If you want to have a good looking object without too many verts you can use the smooth shader ( use it with sub surf modyfier for better result ) .

    But anyways your model is great :)

    Written February 13, 2013
  • pdifani profile picture

    Thanks for the comments and suggestions!

    @benja - I did try using sub surf but I couldn't get the really sharp edges I was looking for. Guess I need to go play with it some more!

    Written February 13, 2013
  • WChargin profile picture

    @pdifani - Try using an Edge Split modifier before the Subdivision Surface modifier. If needed, mark some edges as "Sharp" (Ctrl-E > Mark Sharp) and disable the angle feature. This will allow you to keep some really sharp edges while smoothing the rest. Alternatively, you could increase the edge crease (Shift-E, or top of the properties shelf, which you can open with the N key) to lower the amount of subsurf on the edge.

    Written February 15, 2013
  • ChrisKuhn profile picture

    Looks pretty sweet, man :)

    Edited April 14, 2013
  • pdifani profile picture

    Thank you very much!

    Written May 20, 2013