Using this file, you can easily test the vmd file importer in mmd_tools, and can learn how to setup your own rig so as to import MMD motion data.
mmd_tools Homepage:
2013.02.13 v1.0
<li>Initial release.</li>
2013.02.14 v2.0
<li>Fixed bug that bone roll of "Both Eyes" is flipped.</li>
<li>Also modified some bone rolls (arms and hands).</li>
2013.09.17 v3.0
<li>Fixed incorrect bone name ("上åŠèº«ï¼’" -> "上åŠèº«2").</li>
<li>Renamed custom property "name_j" to "mmd_bone_name_j".</li>
<li>Modified the description.</li>