The Amazing Earth in Cycles

  • February 15, 2013
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: blender3dboy
  • License: CC-BY
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I'll begin by saying that nothing, I repeat, nothing has been done to offend!

Nothing has been done for racism! The height of the states is purely coincidental, the number of vertices of the states are purely random, no State was made the top taller or shorter according to my preferences!

I hope you understand!

Hope you like it! Have fun finding the states and if I forgot something or I did something wrong, do not be afraid to tell me so I can always update my planisphere! :)

P.S: I'm sorry if my English is not perfect, but I'm Italian! :)


  • UP3D profile picture

    Good! A lot of work! I did something very similar. ( ) But why you just use N-Gons?

    Written February 15, 2013
  • blender3dboy profile picture

    @Kiibakun: I'm sorry! I put Israel and Palestine together! will solve this error as soon as possible, I had not noticed!

    @up3danimation: I'm sorry for my ignorance, but what is N-Gons? : \

    Edited February 15, 2013
  • UP3D profile picture

    I guess you modelled the borders and fill it with "F" . thats fast but not very flexible. You can`t bend the mesh for example..

    Written February 15, 2013
  • blender3dboy profile picture

    @up3danimation: Yes, I modelled all with "F" and it's very comfortable. Why? There is another way more flexible? :)

    @Kiibakun:I solved the error! :)

    Edited February 16, 2013
  • alpaykasal profile picture

    I'm glad you added Palestine :) thank you.

    Written July 16, 2016
  • mahrcheen profile picture

    If you used alt+F instead of just F you could have triangles instead of n-gons. Advantage of triangles is that they are always flat and supported everywhere.

    Written March 21, 2018
  • clipski profile picture

    Thanks so much for this blend. My daughter and I used it for her school project: You can check it out on instagram:

    Written December 14, 2019