Here is an trainsetup for the Blender Game Engine i made yesterday, it is based on Steering Actuators. It´s an easier way to animate your train in the Blender Game Engine :) . For a better understanding of the technique I used, I have marked the different railway carriages with number.
<img src="" alt="" />
You could adjust the speed of the carriages in the logic editor , each railway carriage has a Steering Actuators and there you will find the velocity setting in this demo, the velocity is set to 20.
Here is a short demo video:
A illustration about the Logic-setting:
<img src="" alt="" width="917" height="458" />
Have fun with it :)
its so amazing... i had been to learn how to do like this...- make some button to operate model... can you show me the reference...? like tutorial how to make that with button ?
Sorry i do not have or used any tutorials for this trainsetup, this was the predecessor of the BGE Rollercoaste
The rollercoaster-setup is much faster and precise for simulations like this.
I have a problem,I wanna make people inside a moving train,any idea how to do that?
I have the same problem, the objects inside the train are jumping around everytime i try, still have no idea how to solve this problem, maybe with some kind of parent for the the moving objects.
Thank you for sharing. I had been trying to learn how to do this for a while now - this example really helps.