Pabellón de Barcelona. Staff Pick

  • March 19, 2013
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: claudio andres
  • License: CC-BY
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Render exterior del Pabellón de Barcelona de Mies van der Rohe.

renderizado en Cycles + pos-producción.


julioras: silla


  • GJ2012 profile picture

    Nice Job

    Edited March 19, 2013
  • claudio andres profile picture
    claudio andres

    thank you.

    Written March 19, 2013
  • toepinch profile picture

    what's real and what's not?

    Written March 19, 2013
  • claudio andres profile picture
    claudio andres

    the background is real,,, hdri image.

    Written March 20, 2013
  • toepinch profile picture

    Lovely render. The stones under the water are a texture, no?

    Written March 20, 2013
  • claudio andres profile picture
    claudio andres

    yes, is a texture.

    Written March 20, 2013
  • oldtimer profile picture

    Buen trabajo, chamo. Te quedó fino. Good job, dude. It's a really fine design.

    Written March 20, 2013
  • claudio andres profile picture
    claudio andres

    Gracias oldtimer, me alegra que mi trabajo tenga buena aceptación.

    Written March 21, 2013
  • eMirage profile picture

    Hi claudio, I've made a remake of your scene, see it on I'll upload the updated source file soon,

    thanks for sharing regards

    Written March 20, 2013
  • claudio andres profile picture
    claudio andres

    thanks for see my job, i'll be waiting for the update.

    Written March 21, 2013
  • glorund profile picture

    Hi Claudio,

    thanks for sharing, but there's some material missing, and some other is misplaced ;). I was about to start the same work for an architecture course I'm preparing... but I think I'll start it anyway just for the sake of practising. I'm open to questions and so if you want to improve the work, because I live in Barcelona and just visited the Pavilion some days ago. Thanks again, Raimon

    Written March 27, 2013
  • claudio andres profile picture
    claudio andres

    Gracias por comentar y agradesco mucho tu interes en este modelo, Escribo en español porque supongo que hablamos español ambos, verdad???,,,, Bueno me parece muy buena idea lo de mejorar el modelo y te agradezco mucho que tu quieras ayudarme a corregir aquellas cosas que por fotos no se pueden apreciar. Muchas gracias nuevamente, Claudio. Espero que este modelo tambien pueda servir para tu curso.

    Written March 27, 2013
  • glorund profile picture

    Hi Claudio,

    I'm natively fluent in spanish, but my mother tongue is catalan, as it does for a lot of people in Barcelona although foreign people often seems to not be aware about that (we have A LOT of foreign people here).

    But I prefer to write in english provided that this a english managed site and I like the consistentness of information over the Internet.

    The main issue is the problem with textures already reported, but the orangy wall in your model isn't there in the actual building, but in the indoor wall instead. Outer walls are all (I think, talking by memory) Alpen marble (greenish color) made.

    Glasses should be more tinted, more dull, and reflecting. A key point of the architectural proposal of the pavilion is the water and walls (and other separating spaces elements) playing with reflections, so this way they blur its own role and the space earns a new dimension, a new way to be perceived.

    The peebles on the textured plane underwater should be smaller, too, and try to make them seamless. And my advice is to remove any extra element such the candle holders. Honestly, I don't like it at all. But hey, personal taste.

    I was already investigating some things about the Pavilion, as I said. The Pavilion building currently present in Barcelona is not the actual building, but a reconstruction. On the way I found other issues here and there in which the original Pavilion and the current one seems to differ, but I should contrast this better. So enough from my side for now ;). Regards, Raimon

    Written March 27, 2013
  • rcadena profile picture

    Thanks Claudio, great blend.

    There are a few missing or incorrectly linked images.

    The HDRI file is missing, candle_flame.jpg, and other such files. And many of the image files link to your personal folder, so the path is incorrect on mine.

    Nevertheless, thanks for making this accessible; it's a great resource for learning.

    eMirage: awesome movie.

    Written March 27, 2013
  • claudio andres profile picture
    claudio andres

    Thanks, my apologies for the problem with textures, you know any way to resolve that?, hdri image comes from here is the last picture parking lot.

    Written March 27, 2013
  • rcadena profile picture

    To make paths relative try: File > External Data > Make All Paths Relative

    I also ran File > External Data > Report Missing Files and got this report:

    'barcelonaUnderlay_FloorPlan copy.png' 'Descargas/flower_7/candle flame 2.png' 'Escritorio/rocks.jpg' 'Escritorio/wood.png'

    Written March 27, 2013
  • rcadena profile picture

    (moved my comment up as a reply to claudio)

    Written March 27, 2013
  • jonken profile picture

    Thanks very much for sharing.

    Written April 02, 2013
  • Oppie profile picture

    Thanks for sharing!

    One question about the ao 3 picture that looks like a clay model, how did you do that?


    Written April 04, 2013
  • claudio andres profile picture
    claudio andres

    whit yafaray clay render

    Written April 08, 2013
  • Ally profile picture

    Thanks!! i love it :)

    Written April 04, 2013
  • reidh profile picture

    where do you get plans and/or elevations and dimensions as well as material callouts? Do you have a set of working drawings?

    Written April 05, 2013
  • claudio andres profile picture
    claudio andres

    is all on internet, just serching Pabellon Barcelona, i have plans if you want.

    Written April 08, 2013
  • dfgrgavr profile picture


    I try rendering this scene, and everything is pink. Why?

    I try unpack too, but doesn't work.

    Please, help me.


    Written April 07, 2013
  • claudio andres profile picture
    claudio andres

    because have not hdri environment, hdri image comes from here is the last picture parking lot.

    Written April 08, 2013
  • dhrade profile picture


    Written October 31, 2013
  • cleentoy profile picture


    Just wondering how you managed to add the trees? Was trying to make a scene which has many trees. Would just like to know how you managed to optimize it.

    Written July 23, 2018