VW Beetle 1.0

  • March 27, 2013
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: antonvdh
  • License: CC-BY-SA
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Hello my name is Anton vd Haterd

This is my blender3d made VW-Beetle version 1.0

I remodelled my vw-beetle and made it usable for animation

also rigged the doors and hood.

For car painting I used Cycles.

The vw-beetle is rigged with suspension and shock absorver movement.

Of course there is still room for improvement

Feel free to criticize and download

the vw-beetle for if you like to use in an animation.


Anton vd Haterd



  • Atom profile picture

    Nice job, I like the way you rigged the suspension. There is a slight problem when I rotate the ground plane on the X-axis -20 degrees. The front of the car falls through and the front wheels cone out of alignment with the body. But for driving on a flat surface, wonderful!

    Written March 27, 2013
  • antonvdh profile picture

    For animation you have to make holes or bumps in the plane called floor and then let the car follow a path. You can test it by select and then hit (G) the big yellow arrow. I am making some test movies right now to show it works.

    Edited March 27, 2013
  • antonvdh profile picture

    Check out my vw beetle sample video http://vimeo.com/62850084

    Edited March 28, 2013
  • vAonom profile picture

    So awesome, thanks!

    Written March 28, 2013
  • Majestic Blend profile picture
    Majestic Blend

    Brilliant! I have been trying to figure out how to do this for a long time. Thank you for this awesome model.

    Written March 28, 2013
  • J C Roberts profile picture
    J C Roberts

    This is one of the better Beetle models I've seen, but since you invited criticizms, I will say it looks a little more like a small scale model or toy version than a realistic car. Things like the window trim being extra thick around the front and back windows, or the bulbous front turn signals, just make it look like a plastic model kit version. Not a problem unless you were going for 100% realism.

    There's also less of a point in having the hood raise if the inside isn't modeled, but maybe you're still working on those parts. It's still better than most I've looked at.

    Written March 28, 2013
  • eMirage profile picture

    impressive rig, thanks for sharing

    Written March 28, 2013
  • Moolah profile picture

    what a rig! And a great model! Thank you!

    Written March 28, 2013
  • antonvdh profile picture

    Thanks for the positive comments will include them in version 2.0. The vw beetle is made for a toonish style animation.

    Written March 29, 2013
  • etoven profile picture

    +antonvdh Could you walk me threw the basics of your suspension rig? Trying to figure out how it works and not having much luck. Frankly I'm baffled.. :) I don't see any drivers or scripts? How did you do that? :)

    Written March 30, 2013
  • antonvdh profile picture

    etoven I send you a message. Hope it works.

    Written April 01, 2013
  • antonvdh profile picture

    Check out my latest "vw beetle final" on Vimeo http://vimeo.com/63422368

    Written April 05, 2013
  • chrisskinner78 profile picture

    Nice rig Anton! I'm just having a play with it now. Do you think it will be pretty straight forward to swap out the Beetle for another car?

    Written September 18, 2013
  • antonvdh profile picture

    Thanks it depends on what car are you thinking

    Written November 13, 2013
  • zelozelos profile picture

    that is soo fun! i can play cars in blender :) nice job model looks pretty good too ;)

    Written January 31, 2015
  • riyantafrie profile picture

    Wow wonderfull

    Written May 01, 2017
  • antonvdh profile picture


    Written November 27, 2018