KSR-29 Sniper rifle Staff Pick

  • April 06, 2013
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: 3DHaupt
  • License: CC-BY
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Here is a sniper rifle I have modeled and textured for our game project.

<img src="http://3dartdh.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/survival-ar-headset-by-dennish2010-download-on-blendswap-blender-267ab.gif?w=512" alt="survival-ar-headset-by-dennish2010-download-on-blendswap-blender-267ab" width="699" height="214" />

The sniper rifle calls KSR-29 and the concept was created by piotr kupsc


<img src="http://th03.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2012/187/4/e/sniper_rifle_ksr_29_blender_cycles_render_by_dennish2010-d5671a4.png" alt="" width="597" height="336" />

here is a short preview video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4e9ITtOTtw

<img src="" alt="" width="596" height="1343" />

Diffuse Map

<img src="http://3dartdh.files.wordpress.com/2013/04/sniper_ksr_29_col.jpg?w=917" alt="" width="224" height="224" />

Specular Map

<img src="http://3dartdh.files.wordpress.com/2013/04/sniper_ksr_29_spec.jpg?w=917" alt="" width="224" height="224" />

Normal Map

<img src="http://3dartdh.files.wordpress.com/2013/04/sniper_ksr_29_nor.jpg?w=917" alt="" width="226" height="226" />


  • willool profile picture

    Wow, very impressive. Good work !

    Written April 07, 2013
  • 3DHaupt profile picture


    Written April 07, 2013
  • 3DHaupt profile picture

    thank you :)

    Written April 07, 2013
  • Roachman911 profile picture

    I love it! if i could i would replace the msr model on MW3 with this gun so i can own up with it! How do you make your normal maps. I use crazy bump.

    Edited April 08, 2013
  • 3DHaupt profile picture

    Thank you :)

    I use blender for everything, I generated the normal-map by baking a high poly object to a low poly target object.

    You cut out a piece from you low poly object (edit mode P) then you duplicated the piece. The duplicated piece you have cut ted out will be the high poly object with the detail for the normal map or an ao map.

    To bake a high poly object to an low poly target object you first have to select the high poly object hold shift and than select the low poly target object, now go to the render buttons bake-setting, set the Bake Mode to normal, and make a hook at Selected to Active, than just press the Bake button and you're done.

    If you want to make the texture for an object piece by piece, do not forget to turn off the hook by Clear, so the texture will not be deleted.

    I have tried crazy bump years ago and I was not happy with the result, it is not possible to create a perfect normal map from a 2D images or why there are programs like Zbrush, Mudbox or Blender? but crazy bump is good for gravel or sand structures.

    Written April 08, 2013
  • veti profile picture

    Hmmm... only diffuse texture may be consider good. Specular is very blotchy has no material definition, and there is no egde highlight! Normal map is not baked correctly - because Blender has no "cage" feature it is impossible to bake it correctly - download xNormal and rebake it using external cage file (there is few good tutorials for it).

    Edited April 09, 2013
  • StillCounting profile picture

    Wow man amazing model, But if I may ask something. How do you go about making diffuse maps, I'm getting all raid at modelling but I always have a really hard time when texturing, so I was wondering how you do it.

    Written May 04, 2015