Here is my latest creation. It is a concept bike very aggressive and sporty, sleek and aerodynamic.
It is equipped with an engine of Vtwin 1200cm3, with an exhaust Akrapovic 4 outputs.
I created everything on this bike, and I hope you enjoy it.
As for my other creation, made ​​on Blender 2.49b and YafaRay 0.1.1
__You can see the WIP here : __
Just a problem. Is the render is done using the Blender render? Or Cycles? Because if I render using Blender Render, some materials, like the Tire textures and normal maps, don't show up. Can anybody tell me why?
Did a quick render with cycles too. Textures not showing up there either. :(
i brought a few of the mesh into second life half of the tank is missing & engine but lovely creation
Cool Bike! Great job