This a a model I did 2 years ago. I hope you like it. You can use it for anything you like!
Thanks for you feedback, I actually designed this gun for a robot, but now I don't have any use for it, which is why you will see why I marked with cc-zero plus giving my contibutions to this wonderful website. So by all means, feel free to adjust it to a size you think it will not be so heavy for you! lol!
Awesome sci-fi gun! I love it, and I think your advice to resize it is probably a good idea. Thank you for sharing this with everyone.
thanks from Deviant bytes - - we use it now for our facebook page :)
How someone is supposed to handle this? The handle is attached like it is a pistol, but overall it looks too heavy to handle this with one hand, but there is no second handle, so this design seems to be very unergonomic.