A dark theme that makes use of multiple eye catching colours that make distinguishing different functions easily.
I must confess my tastes are very monochomatic, black, black... and black. But sometimes we need some more colours to be sure to mark the rigth tool. Thanks
Thank you, I liked very much your theme, but when I tried to install, Blender didn't acepted... and started with some messages... so I'm not able to use it.
I am not sure what would cause this problem. Sorry I am not much help. I just put the xml file in the folder that holds the interface theme. On my computer it is here. C:\Users\Home\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.67\scripts\presets\interface_theme
I realy like your theme, but in 2.68 I get an error.
Traceback (most recent call last): File "C[...]scripts\startup\bl_operators\presents.py",line 215 in execute present_class.present_xml_map) File "C[...]scripts\modules\rna_xml.py", line 355, in xml_file_run xml_node = bpy_xml.getElementsByTagName(xml_tag)[0] IndexError: list index oout of range location <unknown location>:-1
It works netherteless so it's not that much of a problem but I noticed that the background color in 3D view still have the color of the previous theme
Could use more Color. FOR ME. ( the following is an edit many moons later than preceding ) I meant I could use the backgrounds to be a little lighter. But nice colors
Something different. I like it.