I modeled and textured this sword over one month. The hilt and upper part material is galvanized steel, from this material pack:
(thank you very much meta-androcto for sharing them).
Everything you see in the picture is modeled, there is no simulation with a texture. Enjoy!
This one? http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m4bd6fr63p1rrjmgoo1_1280.jpg
You know I made the same model with the same quality but all I had left is the handle,you bet me!
Anyway,great wok ;)
:). That was the hardest part which took about 2/3 of the time so you still had a long way to go... I would love to see it when its finished!
Well, I started a model of this, I got the blade done but still got the handle left (because the handle seems really * hard)
cool sword, especially the blade and texture desighn,
did you make the texture yourself? either way, can you give me any advice for texturiing models as complicated as the blade on a sword such as this one?
Kind Regards and Happy Modeling
Delta-Tech Productions : Building on Evolutions
No, some guy on deviantart made it and generously made it available to everyone for free. This model wasn't hard to texture... The sword hilt use "generated" mapping and the blade uses a combination of project from view and rotation. Hope it helps.
nice, i will try to do generated mapping and see what happens.
Kind Regards and Happy Modeling
Delta-Tech Productions : Building on Evolution's
by the way: do you know - by any chance - any websites where i can get free : Creative Commons licensed / royalty free / similarly licensed textures for one or some of the following:
> futuristic racing vehicles (or racing vehicles in general)
> race tracks in general
i think that is all, thanks for your help
(by the way: anyone else who can answer the above query is welcome to do so - the more websites the merrier and stuff)
Generally, the material is made with procedural textures and then some real textures for things like dirt/fine detail. Some good websites I know are cgtextures, imageafter and I recently found lostandfound.com ( the irony :) )
Absolutely gorgeous CubeGod! I love how artistic people can get with swords - and that goes both for real swords and ones that are modeled (like you did here).
Um.... You must be mistaken, TheEpicBlend made this, not me ^^; (My Frostmourne model is still not finished (I haven't had time to work on it)
Awesome, make a LotR sword!