A typical room of a road hotel. Images textures included in the blend which has been rendered with Cycles. If useful for you, Blenderian, I'll be very glad. Regards.
<img src="http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm73/Algox5/cheap-hotel-room_zps8e8a4458.png" alt="" width="1280" height="656" />
Sorry, the texture images seem not to be packed in my downloaded file.
Hi, swapnob02. All the images textures were uploaded with the exception of the picture over the bed. You can put there what you prefer. Try downloading the blend again and tell me if anything was right. This blend should be rendered with Cycles. Sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks.
That's really strange. I tried 2.66a, 2.67b, 2.68. On a 64bit linux system. The images are linked to the local file system, but not available via the UV/image viewer. Properties in "datablocks" do not give me information about packed status of images. Unpacking not possible. When rendering with cycles, nearly everything is pinkish, without the red basket on the left, the white frame over the bed and the lights - which have no image textures ... That's a pity, because the scene is quite nice.
You said it: strange. Perhaps I'm like you regarding the knowledge about Blender. As you can see, the original blend was rendered with the version 2.67. I using now the 2.68 and the render goes fine. It is puzzling what is happening to you. Anyway, if I can find a reasonable explanation, I'll tell you. Don't desperate!.
Good scene otherwise, but I am using 2.68a: Renders mostly pink.
Clicking "files>>external data>>report missing files" report prints the following on the console:
Warning: Path 'C:_3d\3dmodels\blender\blendswap\cheap_hotel_room_blend..\textu ras\otros\abstracto.jpg' not found Warning: Path 'C:_3d\3dmodels\blender\blendswap\cheap_hotel_room_blend..\textu ras\telas\carpetsTextureNo4707_1024x768.jpg' not found Warning: Path 'C:_3d\3dmodels\blender\blendswap\cheap_hotel_room_blend..\textu ras\papel\g11f1h4i4gz14.jpg' not found Warning: Path 'C:_3d\3dmodels\blender\blendswap\cheap_hotel_room_blend..\textu ras\telas\TiZeta_clothe.jpg' not found Warning: Path 'C:_3d\3dmodels\blender\blendswap\cheap_hotel_room_blend..\textu ras\madera\TiZeta_SmlssWood3.jpg' not found Warning: Path 'C:_3d\3dmodels\blender\blendswap\cheap_hotel_room_blend..\textu ras\madera\WoodFine0051_3_M.jpg' not found
(The first part of those paths are from my file system). It is looking in a sibling directory for the textures.
glamping Florida was the perfect escape from the busy city life. Surrounded by nature, we enjoyed the serenity and beauty of the outdoors. The luxury tent was well-equipped, making our stay comfortable and hassle-free. We spent the days exploring trails and evenings stargazing by the fire. It was a retreat that left us feeling refreshed and recharged.
Nice bed