X-Toon OSL Implementation (Cycles)

  • June 03, 2013
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: Charblaze
  • License: CC-BY
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X-Toon: An Extended Toon Shader

Traditional toon shading uses a 1D texture that describes how tone varies with surface orientation relative to a given light source. In this paper we describe two extensions to the basic algorithm that support view-dependent effects. First, we replace the 1D texture with a 2D texture whose second dimension corresponds to the desired &ldquo;tone detail,&rdquo; which can vary with depth or surface orientation. This supports effects such as levels-of-abstraction, aerial perspective, depth-of-field, backlighting, and specular highlights.


OSL Implementation of the X-Toon paper.

WARNING: Read the Blender Artist thread to know how to use the nodes. Remember that in the texture text box goes the image filename with the full path, e.g.: D:\Blender\Development\BEER\Node_shaders\textures\2D_map.png

Models from Stanford 3D Scannig Repository.

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