Human Scout Star-Fighter

  • June 13, 2013
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: Bigo
  • License: CC-BY
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This is a simple reconnisance fighter I created this week. Currently it does not have textures and only includes a few base materials to help kickstart the texturing process. It does include a simple armature for rotating the side engines (independantly) and the sensor dish.

This fighter is intended to serve as a simple long range reconisance fighter and is only equipped with a single cannon beneath the cockpit. To fullfill this role it comes equipped with a large sensor dish for long range detection, observation, and, in combat situations, provide limited AWACS capability. The fighter is also equipped with primary engines that are significantly overpowered for its mass, and a more costly (but more effecient) fighter class FTL drive.

This fighter will be a part of my fleet project.

Note that this mesh does not come with landing gear of any sort but it does a hitch of sorts for possible catapult use.

Also note, the engines themselves come from Shipyard 0.7. It's a very handy resource!


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