Beast Creature
Artist: Alex Telford
Textures included
Rig was in Maya so not included.
Model in Blender, Sculpt in zbrush, Texture in Mari, rigged in Maya. This file is 'pre-maya' in a sense.
I just made a request for horror creatures of any kind in the Blend Swap requests, and I hope you'll check it out! You are one of the great artists here on Blend Swap and I'm really hoping to get a bunch of people involved in this Halloween event thing, because it's really meant to be more of a community thing than a personal request.
I hope to see you participating! Your work on this site is amazing.
Great job on modeling, texturing and rigging! Everything is fantastic:) Thanks!
So you are saying you just exported the model from Maya and then imported it to blender... after that you just upload it to this site? Or the entire rig and model was made by you in maya?