My third and so far final version of a minecraft player with a face and hands. Texture in file has to be reloaded on rig. Sword not included. I can't wait to see how you people use it on youtube!
I'm planing to make a series on YouTube but still need to learn some stuff on blender like fire.
It is hard to explain but you can check how a finger is made in editmode and make is on a larger scale then on the model i have here which I shrunk. But i am trying to see how to impove this model with better looking arms but keeping the face. but i am trying to make a rig like an old bootstrapbuckaroo rig. sorry this reply was long.
Can you tell me how to reload the texture onto him? I tried, and he looks fine, But when i render him, he's grey :|
Just go to the texture area click on anything of the rig but the hands and the eye brows and pupils and just click the folder to look for a new texture and load the one that comes with it.
no prob and u can make ur own skins just make sure there are no eyes and mouth and your gonna have to make your own hats since i didnt add that. I hope i can see what you do with it. since i still dont know how to do some stuff.
meeh good rig i guess lol idk know how i ended up here but yeah good rig dude if you want to learn some stuff add me on skype: realblockycowanimations | i can teach you sharp bends and facial drivers and a bunch more just look here:,dvzbzG4 and here:,dvzbzG4#1
i think you able to send private videos to users. which my username is uprime1 if u learn how.
This is one good rig,i'm new user in blender, the blender is one good animator,thanks for rig
a really good rig my friend...keep it up! :)