A simple heart that can be used in many different ways! Comes with a single bone so that it is easy to move and spin.
Thank you Jeral! Unfortunately I don't have any complex models to share yet, as I just found Blender about a month and a half ago! I hope to be able to share all of my creations on Blend Swap, and I appreciate the encouragement.
As simple as it is, I even followed a tutorial just to make this heart! But I feel like I'm learning alot every day, and much of that learning is coming from studying the models on Blend Swap.
I took away the subdivision because I figured if people want a much higher poly version they can just add the subdivision back on. This brought it from around 30,000 verts to 400, and it still looks almost the same as before! This is all a learning process for me, but I think the heart is better this way.
If the admins disagree, I can just quickly revert it back to the older file instead of having the blend removed!
They seem to be pretty laid back. As long as it is functional they tend to let it through. I love your enthusiasm by the way. Keep up the good work!
Thank you so much, i'll do a nice surprise for my girlfriend.
Thanks to everybody who has downloaded and liked my first blend so far! I plan to make a few more simple shapes.