zComputer Towers (Low Poly)

  • July 04, 2013
  • Blender 2.6x
  • Render: Blender Internal
  • Creator: z1Rome
  • License: CC-0
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Made this with alpha brushes in zBrush. Only modeling was the box I made and uv mapped in blender then baked it down in xNormal after detailing. Did the color/glow with GIMP. It has a back but the peripherals aren't accurate, it's passable unless you stare at it. Setup with Blender Materials so can easily move to BGE. Hope you like them. The Z is for Zirome not zbrush btw :D

Had Normal maps reversed, fixed it :D They should be set to -0.07 in the new file let me know if they aren't.**


  • zirome profile picture

    Had a question maybe somebody could answer too. When I used to work with Maya I would use cleanup or w/e and it would triangulate all the faces. Not always sure why I did it, but it seemed common practice. What does BGE prefer?

    Written July 04, 2013
  • matthewinglis profile picture

    How does Maya compare to blender? I have always wondered what Maya is like.

    Written July 16, 2013
  • zirome profile picture

    They render pretty nice btw. Should be able to use them outside of BGE. I didn't spend a lot of time lighting the pictures.

    Written July 04, 2013
  • Rodney profile picture

    Very good model, I'd like to use it in BGE.

    Written August 14, 2013
  • solarforge profile picture

    Thanks for sharing these, nice colors ! :)

    Written February 21, 2015