1066 quads, 2132 tris (It could be optimised), 1024 diff/spec/norm jpg's. You can view the actual model in p3d, the back of it isn't painted with as much effort as the front so please check if it serves your purpose before downloading.
For the texture, did you paint in "Blender texture paint mode" directly or did you export UVs and worked in photoshop / gimp ? I ask because I never know which way to chose, so if you have advices...Anyway, great work, thanx for sharing!
I kept jumping back and forth between PS and Blender. I start from painting some base textures in Texture Paint mode (I use TP Layer manager addon to keep different effects separated), I mix them in PS, bring them back to blender again and so on. I use clone brush a lot to compensate for errors made in PS. Of course you can easily skip the PS in the process, Blender can do all that, it's just my preference.
ok, thank you for the explanations, I'll give a try to TP layer manager, didn't know this thing.
Wow, from the thumbnail view it didn't look like much, but I'm glad I clicked on it anyway because it's awesome. Fantastic texture!!