These are two cactus I created after a tutorial on They are loosely based on barrel cactus and columnar cactus indigenous to Arizona in the U.S. I hope I brought a little something to the table. Marble texture was created by me with no copyright or royalty issues attached. Textures are pretty simple cycles materials. I've updated the blend with a dish on the marble pot. Comments appreciated.
thank you, you're so awesome and I'm going to use this for my animated project :)
Potted plants and vases of flowers are always useful to place in indoor scenes or on window sills for external scenes, so thanks for this model. The marble pot is rather nice but I think it could do with a saucer in the same material placed underneath it to balance it.
My mother was a great lover of cacti and we had several specimens when I was growing up. I still admire them to this day. I can't identify this variety - I had a look at the source tutorial render as well. I used to help in my search. It's too smooth and not spiny enough to be an Echinopsis calochlora and too tall to be a Ferocactus schwarzii. Of course, it may simply be based on artistic licence, which is fair enough.