This model is free for all Blender Fans :-)
More details follow - i work on it
in german: gruà neubi
Version 0.8 - Update
This is the most amazing car model I have ever seen so far in Blender. You are just too amazing. For long have you been modeling in Blender?
Your mesh modeling is so clean. No uneven surface. How do you do it?
Don't you think a person like you should make Tutorials :-) It would sell like hot cake
Hi Tahseen !
Thanks for the nice comment! Hmmmm making tutorial is worth considering ;-). For such models, depending on the detail I need about 1-2 days. Complete with a wheel rim and tire are done in about 1 hour. design for the car I need 8-14 hours so then, but no interior. A little tip for the question on the smooth surfaces. Create your models in low poly mode and only if all parts are ready to activate the subdivision-surfaces 2 and begin to sharpen the edges by pressing CTRL-R . use for the edge of a car only two edges. Bases in low poly mode so not too heavy. I hope it helps a little With best greetings Neubi
And do you suggest that after doing the initial low poly modeling, once the basic shape is in place, we should press Apply of Subdivision Modifier to get a dense mesh so that cutting out lights and grill space does require more loops?
The biggest challenge I have faced in poly modeling is maintaining surface smoothness. Is there any modifier which can make the mesh smooth without reducing the volume?
Hi Tahseen !
Activate you no the subdiv-modifer. Only setting the subdiv-modifer and look your result. Is the surface no good, can moving the point know in the exact position y,x or z.
Hmm, is it possible that you forgot to include the textures? It renders pink when I try to render it with Cycles and I cant see the texture in the UV image viewer. Or did I do something wrong?
Hi Scrawl,
Export the textures. Go to File > External Data > Unpack into Files. Reload the Model and render it.
greeting Neubi3D
(Why is there no button to reply to your comment?)
I already tried "File > External Data > Unpack into Files". It says: "No packed files. Autopack disabled". My blender version is 2.63.17.
Hi Scrawl,
repack (unpack) the textures. (Why is there no button to reply to your comment?) sorry i dont know
Sorry but both unpack and (re)pack dont work for me... the files arent in the blendfile as it seems
Since I have yet to learn how to make a car go, I just spend time sculping damage. lol
Thank you very much ; i like this beautiful model and used it ; and i made a little modifications
Hey, the textures are missing. Could you please upload those? Thank you!
What a well-reasoned argument! You’ve explained everything so clearly. For those who want to read more about this topic, 메이저사이트추천 is a good place to start.
very well done. can't wait for more details. one critique would be more texturing on the inside, but hopefully you cover that when you add more details