Costache's Gmod ponies Fan Art

  • November 11, 2013
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: Costache
  • License: CC-0
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My version of the Gmod ponies for Blender, based on "MirceaKitsune s Gmod ponies" package, based on "Cheerilee's Gmod Ponies" package. Originals are licensed CC-BY and therefore re-uploaded legally. Improvements in my version include:

Version 4.4 (2014-12-17):

<ul><li>Fix: Some materials do not use the pony_mane_and_tail group. (Issue reported by user Altrivius2)</li>

<li>Manes and tails are now slightly glossy.</li>

<li>Freestyle now uses relative line lengths and uses a material's line color attribute.</li>

</ul>Version 4.2 (2014-30-01):

<ul><li>Derpy's eyes are now derp.</li>

<li>Group nodes for coat/mane/tail/horn/wings. It will be easier to change shader settings for all ponies now.</li>

<li>Wave modifier on Celestia's hair to make it flowing. (experimental)</li>

<li>Bugfix: Applejack's body texture will no longer be included when appending any other ponies to a new blend file.</li>

</ul>Version 4.1 (2013-26-11):

<ul><li>Converted all textures to png. This reduced file size by ~25% and reduced lag while saving/loading. This should be a lossless conversation.</li>

<li>Fixed eyes on Luna and Celestia. They went derp if you moved the head.</li>

<li>During conversation from 3.1 to 4.0 all items where moved to one layer. This is reverted.</li>

<li>WARNING: This version can no longer render in blender internal. IDK why.</li>

</ul>Version 4.0 (2013-12-11):

<ul><li>Modified textures so ponies can be rendered in blender's new cycles rendering engine.</li>

<li>Eyes, diamonds and metals are glossy BSDF. All other materials are Diffuse BSDF.</li>

<li>Freestyle is gone. Cycles does not support freestyle.</li>

<li>Based on MirceaKitsun's Gmod ponies v3.1.</li>

</ul>The following characters are included:

<ul><li>Princess Celestia</li>

<li>Princess Luna</li>



<li>Pinkie Pie</li>

<li>Rainbow Dash</li>


<li>Twilight Sparke</li>


<li>Lyra Heartstrings</li>





  • experimantal profile picture

    Wondering... How to use the premade walk cycle? I want to watch it, learn it, and remake it myself as a practice to learn to animate in blender

    Written November 11, 2013
  • Costache profile picture

    I have never figured that one out. You might need to try it using MirceaKitsune's version in case I broke the animation somehow.

    Written November 11, 2013
  • experimantal profile picture

    I don't even know how to load it up on the original version so... Also, when I copy one pony to a different blender to have it all alone, and then press alt+Z to show the textures... It's fluttershy textures for everypony!

    Also, any advice for my further trainings in 3D animation?

    Written November 11, 2013
  • Costache profile picture

    I tried to reproduce your bug but could not reproduce it. I remember having this issue too in version 3.1, maby it will go away on its own.

    I am likely just as inexperienced as you are in 3D moddeling. I learned most things from youtube video's and the official documentation ( Just try starting simple like rendering a single picture.

    Written November 11, 2013
  • experimantal profile picture

    I already did a lot in 3D modeling now I'm learning how to animate ^^ Thanks

    Written November 11, 2013
  • Sirgeorge profile picture

    If you want the walking animations for these ponies I'll tell you how I did it. I downloaded MirceaKitsune's version of these ponies and clicked on the append button (while was in Costache's version) and clicked on MirceaKitsune's version and in the actions folder you have the walking animation. I appended that, clicked on the armature of a character (in object mode) and then I went to the dope sheet and switched over to action editor mode. Then I clicked on the little dope sheet icon on the left side of the new button and searched for "walk" (I have alot of items in my scene if yours is less complicated you may not have to do this). I found walk and then clicked on it. Then I had a walk cycle.

    Edited May 30, 2015
  • Reelix profile picture

    Thanks a tonne! :D

    For those still having problems, you need to set the "Start" / "End" animation cycles to 0 / 40 instead of the default of 100 / 500 :p

    Written August 06, 2015
  • Costache profile picture

    Released version 4.1. I'm sorry blender internal no longer works.

    Written November 26, 2013
  • zmn4587 profile picture


    Written December 13, 2013
  • MirceaKitsune profile picture

    Thank you for making this version! I tried to convert the materials to Cycles when I did 3.x, but it saw missing textures and failed. This shall allow for even more awesome pony works in Blender :)

    And the reason it no longer works in Blender Internal is because Cycles materials aren't compatible with it. There is a trick to have a material work in both BI and Cycles (via nodes), but it takes more work and can get tangled.

    Written December 31, 2013
  • IceLucario64 profile picture

    Well their rigged to So I'll might use these. ^^

    Written January 01, 2014
  • Costache profile picture

    released version 4.2

    Written January 30, 2014
  • ioncorupterX profile picture

    Thank you for working on these!

    Written April 21, 2014
  • RandomModelCreator profile picture

    These look great but, the lighting in the pictures is all off. If you would like better ones for showing off, message me. I would be happy to render pictures of these with decent lighting when I can.

    Written May 01, 2014
  • RandomModelCreator profile picture

    And you need to add Vinyl too.

    Written May 01, 2014
  • Costache profile picture

    If you got better renders send me a private message with a link to a .blend file and optionally the better renders it produced. I will make sure to publish them here.

    Written December 11, 2014
  • Costache profile picture

    I am sorry, InsaneDropThePone. But I am not a moddeler so I can't make a Vinyl model. You might however be interested in Vinyl Scratch 3D Completed Rig v2 .

    Written December 11, 2014
  • nothing111111 profile picture

    can someone separate those? my blender crashes whenever i try to open those :C

    Written July 26, 2014
  • Altrivius2 profile picture

    I've noticed that ponies who have multiple materials for their manes and/or tails (basically everyone except Pinkie and the princesses, with Applejack being the most problematic due to having three mane materials and two tail materials) only have the "mane and tail" node applied to one of the materials of their hair. It's a pretty quick and easy fix even to someone who's barely used Cycles (like me), but it'll make the groups actually as convenient as you intended for future downloaders.

    Written July 27, 2014
  • Costache profile picture

    OoPs! You are right. Sorry. I will re-upload them within a few weeks as version 4.3. Anyone can send me a angry message if I forgot to do it.

    Written December 11, 2014
  • Costache profile picture

    Thank you for reporting this issue. This issue should now be fixed in 4.4. Please report any additional issues.

    Written December 17, 2014
  • CrimsonFlare profile picture

    I downloaded both Costache's Gmod Ponies and MirceaKitsune's Gmod Ponies from the Blend Swap website but am having some issues with appending them in Blender and importing them into the Unity game engine.

    When I create a new Blender file and use the append function to choose the pony (objects) I want, the appended models do not have any textures (i.e. all grey) even though the source models are fully textured. May I know why this is so?

    Also, when I import the ponies into Unity, they do not have any textures on them. They have solid colours, with white eyes (much like the "Solid" 3D view in Blender). The Blend Swap downloads did not include any external texture files so I am not sure what I can do to resolve this issue.

    Edited July 30, 2014
  • CrimsonFlare profile picture

    Ah, so the "all grey" issue in Blender happened because I wasn't using the 'Cycles Render' engine! I have switched to using cycles and the textures show up fine for my appended ponies now.

    As for the Unity issue, I found out I could unpack the textures from within Blender and then manually apply them to my imported pony models in Unity.

    Edited July 31, 2014
  • luckyhoohoo profile picture

    I cant get it keeps saying clicked more then one

    Written December 10, 2014
  • luckyhoohoo profile picture

    love it

    Written December 10, 2014
  • Costache profile picture

    Version 4.4 is now released.

    Written December 17, 2014
  • CrimsonFlare profile picture

    Sweet, an update! :D

    Written January 08, 2015
  • thehedorn profile picture

    Whenever I move the armature in pose mode, the head rotates as if it has some inverse kinematics. This is actually very annoying, because if I want to animate the armature moving (for example, walking), I have to correct the head's rotation at every keyframe. Basically, if i translate/move the head, neck, chest or spine, the entire body follows in weird and unwanted ways. Maybe I'm just being a complete noob, but how do I fix this?

    Written December 21, 2015
  • notfoundname profile picture

    Hey dude! I render the scene using the Internal Render to see what happen, and it was cool, so i upload the render to DeviantArt! You were credited for the amazing work. Here's the Link [ ]

    Written June 09, 2016
  • alejandroduran1 profile picture

    thanks a lot!!!

    Written September 27, 2017
  • WushiiWu profile picture

    i dont know if this is a problem that everyone has, but when i render the ponies there's this weird outline around them. i dont really know how to fix this, and im a big noob at blender right now. is there a solution for this?

    Written May 23, 2020
  • hyperbaric profile picture


    Written June 23, 2020
  • andreaa23 profile picture

    The image looks great, minecraftle I really like this version

    Written December 15, 2023