Parametric Bottle

  • April 03, 2017
  • Blender 2.7x
  • Render: Cycles
  • Creator: qwazix2
  • License: CC-0
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In the attached .blend, there is a bottle. You can create variations of it by adjusting it's shape keys, and choosing the corresponding UV maps to position the label correctly. You can mix & match the shape keys to create all kinds of combinations of shapes.

The shape keys control:

  • The curvature of the upper part of the bottle
  • The thickness of the neck
  • Squareness of the body
  • A recess for the label
  • The cross section shape (rectangular - square), and
  • Whether the cap region is flush or sticks out of the neck

You can either choose from the predefined materials or modify the nodes, which have been arranged into groups for easy editing.

Finally, the amount of booze is configurable by the shape keys of a transparent cube. Unfortunately I was not able to create the curvature of the liquid near the glass without breaking configurability.

This is licenced CC0 as I know it's hard to attribute every single prop in your scene, but I'd still love a scene if you got a credits screen.

How to use


  1. Click on the desired attribute shape key.
  2. Change it's value. You can go back to step 1 to combine different values for the desired shape.
  3. Some shapekeys deform the label. Click the camera near a UV map to choose the best mapping for your configuration. You can also unwrap the label yourself.
  4. Change the color of the glass.
  5. Change the label image texture in the material (a), or change the bottle material altogether: there are some presets available in the list of materials to get you started (b).
  6. To control how much booze there is in the bottle, select the "Filling" cube (wire) and adjust it's shape key value.
  7. To change the liquid color select the "Liquid" mesh (from the outliner or by right clicking twice on the bottle) and change the color of the Glass BSDF. Some examples are already stored as materials.

To move the bottle, just move the parent mesh (glass). To copy it, select it along with it's children (Ctrl+G) and Duplicate (Shift+D)


  • asgararjan profile picture

    the bottles awesome but it has so many fireflies in render

    Written April 03, 2017
  • ThePefDispenser profile picture

    Under the Render tab you could try a couple things: -- Under Light Paths: un-check caustics -- Under Sampling: put in a value (1-3, maybe) for Clamp Indirect and/or Clamp Direct; increasing the # of samples also helps, but, realistically, only to a point.

    I was unable to download this particular file so cannot test myself :( [edit] No problem with this "particular" file: seems something changed between yesterday and today, and I cannot download any files (I checked my bandwidth limit and it is not reached)

    Edited April 04, 2017
  • BMF profile picture

    Great idea and you obviously put a lot of thought into it.

    If you are going to include instructions, I recommend including them in the zip file so people don't forget how to use it or cause people to have to cut and paste from your description.

    Written April 04, 2017
  • qwazix2 profile picture

    @BMF the instructions are there in the text editor of the blend file (see screenshot)

    @ThePefDispenser I didn't give any thought to render settings really, as I don't expect anyone to use it by itself but append/copy one or more bottles to their own scene.

    Written April 04, 2017
  • qwazix2 profile picture

    @ThePefDispenser fixed the render settings, it should render quickly now and without fireflies. I made the bounces as low as possible for quick preview but this might lead to problems if you multiply the bottles. The default presets are still there though.

    Written April 04, 2017
  • Rubanz profile picture

    Thank you

    Written August 21, 2019
  • TheBlenderArtist profile picture

    Very nice, they were very helpfull in my last scene:

    Written August 23, 2020
  • qwazix2 profile picture

    @TheBlenderArtist, thanks for posting this, it makes me happy when I see my stuff in use by other people :) <3

    Written June 23, 2021