Contest Announcement UPDATE!!!

Ok guys, here's a little update for you first off has been kind enough to offer us a Grand Prize for this contest. This will be the overall best model uploaded in any category will receive from Both Character Creation Volume 1 and Character Creation Volume 2.

Teaser: Character Creation Volume 1 - Modeling from CG Masters on Vimeo.

Teaser: Character Creation Volume 2 - Rigging from CG Masters on Vimeo.


We also know that there has been a lot of questions about what the judging will consist of so we put together the judging criteria so you guys know what your models will be judged on.

JUDGING CRITERIA: +10 Originality/Authenticity +10 Topology +10 Texturing +5 Background Scene +5 Rigging

Hello, ladies and gentlemen! I'd like to welcome you to the first ever Blendswap model competition. In this new opportunity for Blender artists, we're offering fabulous prizes for the best military vehicle models. A variety of categories are available, so there's no excuse for not entering. Simply grab an idea and start modeling! Once you're done, all you have to do is upload your model to Blendswap under one of the special contest categories. At the end of the judging period, we'll judge the best model in each category.

Models may be submitted to the following categories. Each model may belong to only one category.

  • Land Machines: tanks, APCs, and the like.
  • Walkers: Power suits, mechs, etc. Remember realism.
  • Air Power: Planes, jets, helicopters and similar vehicles. Space vehicles are not a focus of this competition.

Entries are due by 12:00 AM (CST), on September 30


Thanks to our gracious sponsor, Packt Publishing, we've got some great ebooks available for our contest winners. The top entry in each category will receive a free ebook edition of one of these two books:


Blender 2.5 Character Animation Cookbook



Blender 2.5 HOTSHOT


Wes Burke of and Dolf Veenvliet of entoforms and Sintel Ben Dansie of Sintel, and all around stud Blenderhead.

For more information, you can read the Contest Rules, the Design Guidelines, or the FAQs, all on the official contest site. For questions on Blendswap itself, read Blendswap's Swapper Handbook. This contest is a collaboration between Blendswap and HJ Media Studios.

Edited January 27, 2013 by mofx


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