Site News

  • UPDATE We moved the site to a new server on April 1st, 2015. and spent the next two weeks fixing all the errors you have reported. Please contact us as soon as possible if you notice anything working wrong or see errors or typos on the site. Hey guy...
  • Hello, fellow Swappers! For a very long time we've wanted to offer you a Blender Addon to upload to Blend Swap, a plugin that would prepare your blends for swapping, it would check your file for relative paths, packing textures, render...
  • We're Still Here.

    So I just realized that we haven't had a news update in like 6 months. Sorry about that, as many of you know life can just get away from you at times. Rest assured we are still here plugging away, working to make the site better for everyone. So here's a little update ...

  • As some of you may know, the guys over at CGcookie are launching the soon. I think the Blender Market is...

  • We have reset all our security keys including the user password encription keys in order to recover from a terrible bug that was discovered in OpenSSL a couple days back. The Heartbleed bug affected many servers (if not most) on the...

  • Hello, dear Swappers.

    I'm sure you guys have noticed that in recent months the public reports concerning ripped and/or plagiarized models have gone up quite a bit. We just want to lay out our policy regarding those models and users and show you how a stole...

  • Some of you may have noticed that since the end of January the site had been experincing some very slow load times that affected the usability of the site and in recent days we were forced to take the site down because of this and other problems we were experiencing bo...

  • Render Farm Review.

    So I don't often post about the work I do at my day job. Quite frankly because my day job and Blender don't overlap much but in the last few weeks I've been assigned 4 commercial projects that are all 3D/Blender exclusive. Which has been a very welcome event in my prof...